8 Reasons Why You Need This Journal


You don’t feel confident about setting healthy boundaries between yourself and others…

How often do you want to say no to something, but end up saying yes in spite of yourself?

Expecting to set boundaries effectively before you feel confident in yourself is like putting the cart before the horse.

Learning to value your time and energy, honor your needs and desires, and understand what space you need are key steps in the journey to feeling confident about setting healthy boundaries.


…and you struggle with feelings of guilt when you DO set boundaries.

It’s common to feel guilt when we set boundaries, but that doesn’t mean the guilt is healthy.

We - especially women - are conditioned societally to place the needs of others before ourselves. Once this idea gets planted in our minds, it’s almost impossible to uproot.

The Boundaries Journal will help you gain clarity about your boundaries, teach you how to effectively communicate them, and help you feel confident in committing to them.


You want to improve your relationships.

The Boundaries Journal goes beyond a 30-day guide, it’s also a tool for building healthy relationships that stand the test of time.

It also helps you better the most important relationship: your relationship with yourself


You feel like you’re always the one giving and never the one receiving.

Even if another person isn’t asking too much of us, without well-defined boundaries and nurtured self-respect, we fall into a pattern of over-giving.

And if that effort isn’t reciprocated, you end up feeling drained, burned out, and unappreciated - all of which plant seeds of resentment and negativity in a relationship.


You have a hard time committing to your boundaries.

When we run up against objections to our boundaries, whether from others’ or from within, it’s easy to give in to them.

But no matter how painful committing to our boundaries is, it is less painful than when we betray them.

If you consider yourself a ride-or-die for your friends, shouldn’t you be your own best friend? Committing to your boundaries is the greatest gift you can give yourself. 


You’re ready to live with more confidence, but need a helping hand.

If you’re here, you’re ready to protect your time and energy, internalize your worth, find your peace, and take back the control over yourself that poor boundaries cost you.

With 30 days of guided prompts, the Boundaries Journal means no more choosing between slogging through your journey alone or only making progress when you’re in a therapist’s office.

You’ll also gain access to a supportive community of 6.5k+ like-minded people on a private FB group, so that someone on the same journey is always there when you need them!


It’s used and trusted by therapists and universities.

This journal is the result of leading minds in science and mental health combining their collective experience to create the ultimate practical guide to setting and maintaining healthy boundaries with ourselves and others.

So it’s no wonder therapists and universities all over the world are adding the Boundaries Journal to their sessions and lesson plans.


It’s the right fit for you, no matter where you are on your journey. 

  • Have never picked up a journal in your life…
  • Or you’re a veteran journaler looking for a fresh, groundbreaking experience…
  • Don’t have access to therapy…
  • Or you’re a mental health professional yourself…

The Boundaries Journal can help.

No matter where you are in your journey, it’s time to make time for yourself. 

Actual quotes from customers

“I gave too much at work and put up with too much at home. But The Boundaries Journal helped me stand up for myself and create the life I’ve always wanted…in just 1 month! "  Lily A.

“Changed my life. I loved it so much I bought it for my best friend so she can benefit from it too.” - Maggie R

"I always wondered why I let myself get taken advantage of. It turns out that bad boundaries were to blame. this book helped me to understand what healthy boundaries look like, where to draw a line, be able to say "no" without feeling guilty as well as how I was violating the boundaries of others." - Lea M

The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal

The Self-Love Journal


Discover your inner strengths and overcome self-doubt in just 21 days or your money back.

The Self-Love Journal is a comprehensive, evidence-based 91-day program designed to help individuals cultivate self-love, self-acceptance, and self-esteem, and improve their mental and emotional well-being. It includes a beautiful physical hardcover journal, and daily video guidance.

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