The Emotions Program

Understand Emotional Blocks

Regulate Emotional Responses

Enhance Emotional Communication

Instant Access to over 21 hours of therapist-led guided follow-along videos.

Free Gift Included:

2-Day Emotions Workshop

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Limited Time


Enrich your relationships, control your emotions and boost your self-awareness within 21 days - or your money back.

Backed by science and created with expert therapists, the new Emotions Program includes 9 weeks of guided prompts and psychoeducation to help you regulate your emotions. It includes a beautiful digital journal, and daily video guidance.

Used and trusted by therapist and universities

A product that, as a therapist, I personally use and recommend for my clients. It’s backed by research and is filled with useful tools for mental health.


How The Emotions Program Works

Step 1

Grab Your Journal

With the Emotions Program you can choose to use your favorite blank journal, or the Digital Emotions Journal provided.

Step 2

Video Guidance

Our expert therapist will guide you through each day's theme, providing insightful perspectives and actionable advice.

Step 3

Discover a New You

Track your progress, celebrate your transformation, and take pride in the steps you take each day.

6 Core Ingredients Of

The Emotions Program

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based prompts

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is aimed at striking balance between how individuals think, feel, and act, which can resolve and mitigate feelings of stress and anxiety.

The Emotions Journal integrates CBT-focused techniques and activities, like breaking Anxiety Avoidance Loops, to help individuals counter emotional dysregulation and create positive and consistent positive emotional associations.